hackath7.1n - 零時政府第柒點一次自由時代支線和平紀念黑客松

☞ 為什麼是 7.1次

因為台南場很多人反應2/22無法參加,只好fork 出一場 228 場次。:p

2/22 場跟 2/28 場是互相獨立的,請自由擇一參加,當然也可兩場都來 :)

☞ 為何要來

g0v.tw 不定時舉辦大小黑客松,打造各式資訊透明化平台[1],從資料透明開始,傳統/新興、虛擬/實體的公民參與繼續互相刺激交流,協作打造公民參與的新方法。

☞ 來者何人



2014/02/28(星期五) 0900~1800 

塗鴉空間 3F The Merge (台南市東區大學路18巷18-1號)


☞ 活動形式

如果你手邊已經有正在進行的計畫,或者你期待某些功能的服務,來上台作個兩分鐘的簡報,找幾個志同道合的夥伴組隊,然後開始hack! 可以先到以下網址聊聊你的想法: 

請注意,這不是研討會,如果你沒有參加過黑客松,請參考「我是... 如何參與黑客松」或前期現場錄影


  1. IRC, Hackpad 等工具使用教學
  2. docker, vagrant, angularjs 短講介紹

☞ 來幹麼


☞ 偷跑有理


☞ 關於 g0v.tw & 近期媒體報導



[why] - come hack and patch the government by making information more available and accessible to everyone.

[who] - developers, ui designer, activists, legal experts, and citizens who want to see things changed with the use of technologies

[when/where] 2014-2/28 09:00~18:00 Tainan

[form] If you have a project, or you want to see something happen, make a 2-minute presentation and preach for your ideas and why this helps people.  Assemble a team and hack!  go to the wiki or irc channel and start sharing ideas!

[cheating encouraged] you are encouraged to start hacking before the event, and recruit people to help

[things to do]

Provide API to Information or Data that should be available to everyone.  Use those data or API to do interesting things, like statistics and visualization.  add your project to hackpad and find people to help.



塗鴉空間 3F - The Merge / 台南市東區大學路18巷18-1號

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price

2014/02/11 00:00(+0800) ~ 2014/02/28 00:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free

2014/02/26 09:00(+0800) ~ 2014/02/28 09:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
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